Sylvain Perrier

Sylvain Perrier

Sylvain Perrier: CEO @ Mercatus | #RetailTech Innovator | Passionate about #DigitalTransformation, #CustomerExperience, #Innovation | #Fitness Enthusiast.

Sylvain Perrier
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Ma Culture, Ma Langue, Ma Patrie

I can't believe that it took almost 30 years to understand how my roots and culture played a pivotal role in shapping my business journey. Welcome to Canada.

Sylvain Perrier
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I Have A Deep FOMO Issue

A deep peak behind the curtain on the intrigue of crypto and the fear of FOMO

Sylvain Perrier
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More Than Just a Spare

Beneath the captivating anecdotes lies a subtle exploration of profound themes – a study on the enduring effects of long-term grief and untreated PTSD when left unchecked.

Sylvain Perrier
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You F'king Owe You

"You Owe You" by Dr. Eric Thomas is an incredibly empowering book that delivers a much-needed message in today's world.

Sylvain Perrier
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Advancing Forward?

Many people in corporate America crave a sense of direction and a justifiable reason for what they are contributing to their companies.

Sylvain Perrier
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The Charge by Brendon Burchard

"The Charge" is a motivational book that aims to inspire readers to live a fully charged life.

Sylvain Perrier
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Data Cartels by Sarah Lamdan

My reading of "Data Cartels" written by Sarah Lamdan has been, I'm sorry to say, a painful six months in the making, even for an avid reader like me.

Sylvain Perrier
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How Did You See?

I'm more spiritual and consistently meditating. I guess you could say that I've become more curious.

Sylvain Perrier
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Difficult Conversations

A difficult conversation can be a discussion about an uncomfortable topic or a negative experience where the goal is to share different perspectives and build mutual understanding.

Sylvain Perrier
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I Can't Work With You

Oh god, we've all been through this one at some point in our careers. Dealing with a difficult person. Right? It's a challenge, awkward, and it can get better with a little bit of know-how.

Sylvain Perrier
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It's Called Accountability

Let's be fair. Accountability is not given. It's a journey, and leaders have a clear role in creating a culture of accountability.

Sylvain Perrier
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Becoming an Authentic Leader

Leadership is not a series of natural traits rooted in nature, and neither is authentic leadership. It's a skillset honed over time, with a tone of practice and many, many mistakes, and then at some point, you hope you get it right.